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Contemporary Worship for all ages, with children's and youth programs

10:30am Contemporary Church

Our 10:30am Contemporary Church features contemporary worship in an informal and very friendly atmosphere. We welcome people of all ages—especially families with young children. During term time, children worship with their parents for the first 10 minutes of church and then go out to their age-appropriate program.

Our programs include:

Swiz Creche: For parents to leave their preschool-aged children with trained leaders in the creche room during the service. (Parents are also very welcome to stay and listen to the sermon via the speaker in the creche room.)

Swiz Kids: For school-aged children from Kindergarten to Year 6 in the church hall, run by a group of trained volunteers where kids get to play games, sing, dance, hear from God's word, chat in smaller groups, and pray together during the church service.

Swiz Youth: For high school-aged students in Years 7-10, run by both paid and volunteer leaders in the PACE Centre (across the road from the church), where the group meets to play games, open up the Bible, and share their lives with one another.

Additionally, some of our older Christian youth assist in junior leading at Swiz Creche and Swiz Kids.

Hope to see you on Sunday!