Our Vision
We want to be, and grow, healthy disciples of Jesus Christ. In this way, God is glorified. Depending on his Spirit, we welcome all, nurture them in Christ, and serve one another and our wider community.
And so we are committed to:
Welcoming people into God's Family
St Swithun’s is a church in which every person welcomes and is welcomed. We long to see everyone in our church, community and world welcomed into God’s family through Jesus. We seek to be a church where people of all ages and cultures find acceptance, forgiveness, and eternal life in Jesus.
Nurturing people with God's word
God wants everyone to live a life full of meaning and purpose. We are a church in which every child, woman and man is nurtured and, in turn, nurtures others in their relationship with God. God makes himself known to us through the Bible and we seek to help and encourage one another to deepen our understanding of him. We do this by gathering on Sundays and through other opportunities and activities during the week.
Serving People with God's Love
We are a church in which everyone loves and serves God and each other wholeheartedly. In response to God’s love for us, we long to live for him and by his Spirit use the gifts and abilities he has given us for the benefit of our church, community and world.
St Swithun's 2024-2028 Ministry Plan
We are guided by clear priorities set out in our 5 year Ministry Plan. Each year, we measure progress against our plan and project forward another year-- so that we actually have a "rolling 5 year plan". This plan, initially adopted by our Parish Council on 22 November 2022, is a working document that is reviewed and updated from time to time. The current iteration of the Ministry Plan is version 4.0, published 13 March 2024. To download the latest version, please click on the button below.
St Swithun's Annual Report & Financial Stataments
The 2025 annual parish report and financial statements reporting for the year 2024 is available for download through clicking on the buttons below.